Visit to SMK Assalam Bandung

30 May 2015, The day after Festival TIK 2015 Bandung we visited one of the
vocational high school in Bandung named “SMK Assalam” to talk about cooperation with their school. They asked Mozilla to visit their school and meet their headmaster, uppon arrival the atmosfer of this school very comfortable, the headmaster welcomed us with joy. Don’t forget they provide lunch and snack for us (I love free lunch).

Discussion start with introduction about SMK Assalam by Headmaster, yeah this
school has collaborated with some company like Honda, Toyota, Axioo, Mazda and
more. The school was founded 6 years ago and has had a graduate who has worked
in a large company in Indonesia.

Discussion continue with introudction of Mozilla by Rara, first she introduced
what is Mozilla and the mission of Mozilla. She also introduced mozillians who
attend the meeting, they are Fauzan
(Mozilla Reps), Muhammad

(Mozilla Reps), Shinta Setiawan (Mozilla Reps), Eriska Primayasari (Mozillians,
WoMoz), Budiman Oktavianus (FSA) and me (Rizky Ariestiyansyah).

Rara spoke about the Mozilla programs and projects, followed by the
introduction of Firefox OS by Fauzan. The core of the meeting was to establish
cooperation between Mozilla and SMK Assalam, in my opinion the headmaster is
interest with Mozilla and a new program called Mozilla Club.

After much discussion we got chance to travel around the school, we visited the
lab and room and meet the student. The most pleasant thing is ask student to
take picture together, cheeers.

Yeay, looking forward to cooperate with this school.

Reps event :