Firefox OS is joining #HackJak with my JakTrek Application

#HackJak is end and all of the winner celebrate the hackjak, also me :D . Really proud to join the first jakarta hackathon. All the participants chose to develop an app using either Jakarta’s annual budget information for 2014 or the city’s public transportation route information in the form of an API. Both sets of information have their own specific challenges, like educating citizens about how the government uses its budget and encouraging them to help monitor the execution, or to help streamline how people use Jakarta’s public transportation.

Best news is out of 200 registered participants, 132 people developed a total of 53 apps. The judges chose four winners (who won cash prizes) as well as two runner-ups (each won a 13-inch Macbook Pro). I also challenging this hackathon with my application named “JakTrek” that developed on Firefox OS platform and this application is the only ONE application that using Firefox OS platform in this hackathon.

I am really happy because my application “JakTrek” is one of the finalist in this event (12 Apps = 12 Team), I am indie developer at this event and really proud to go to final level and take pitching session in front of all contestan, here is my picture (always with firefox shirt hahaha): 


Yeah, HackJak is awesome, I love government initiatives like this, and i hope to see each app (as well as the ones who did not win) help change Jakarta for the better. anyway this is the Firefox OS applcation screenshot named “JakTrek” the Finalist of #HackJak hahahha, 

  <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-280" alt="Screen Shot 2014-04-03 at 18.35.46" src="" width="320" height="480" /></a><a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-281" alt="Screen Shot 2014-04-03 at 18.35.56" src="" width="320" height="480" /></a><a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-282" alt="Screen Shot 2014-04-03 at 18.36.20" src="" width="320" height="480" /></a>

  <strong>DISCLAIMER :</strong> I am proud to be finalist (Top 10) from 132 developer and 52 Apps and Team
